Traveling With Bushie
To be sung with The Ink Spots to the tune
"Don't Get Around Much Anymore"
(Missed the Saturday damce. Heard they crowded the floor.)

Forget car pools; I hate to share,
So they let me ride by myself.
Me save fuel? Well au contraire,
I'm a hi-tech gas guzzling elf.

Miss no chance to waste gas.
Have to prove I use more.
You commute to Manhattan.
I get to go to Bangalore.

I never buy at the pump.
K B & R charges more
Which keeps Dick Cheney happy
Back home minding the store.

Starlings it seems
Can infect Texas quail,
So my snarling VP
Changed his menu to male.

I didn't mean to digress
Or to cause an uproar.
Pop said he'd show me Dubai
But our timing was poor.

Music & Original Lyric by
Duke Ellington & Bob Russell
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Environmental Policy'