Trust Your Bushie Buckaroos
To be sung with Etta James to the tune
"Trust In Me"
(Trust in me in all you do. Have the faith I have in you.)

Trust your Bushie buckaroos
As we attempt more derring-dos
Ignore all prior flopperoos
And try to trust us.

Stick with us when things go wrong.
Fall for each new siren song.
Let Iran see who's headstrong
Because you trust us.

With Dick Cheney's eagle eye
And Condi's latest two-faced lie
About old Rummy's short supply,
Why not trust us?

As election time draws near
We'll nuke Iran while millions cheer
Knowing we've again made clear
Just fools trust us.

Music by Milton Ager & Jean Schwarz
Original Lyric by Ned Weaver
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie, The Lying Prevaricator'