Tush Holes For Bush
To be sung with Red McKenzie to the saloon sing-a-long
"Ace In The Hole"
(This town is full of guys who think they're mighty wise)

D.C. is full of crooks
Who're paid to get their hooks
Into politicians we elect.
Quite surreptiously
They court the GOP
Bushie puppets we will soon reject.

First as elected whores,
They're paid to open doors
By special int'rest lobbyists who push
Them to be pimps who know
Where to drop their dough
Among the new and old Tush Holes For Bush.

E-mails they write, and bridges over Nome –
Evidence of Tush Holes For Bush.
Coal mines and oil wells where antelope should roam –
More signs of Tush Holes For Bush.

They brag of the taxes they've helped Bushie cut
Leaving our grandchildren in a hole,
But like gamblers on-line
We'd still be doing fine
If it weren't for those Tush Holes For Bush.

Music & Original Lyric by George Mitchell & James Dempsey
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Congress'
To 'Bushie's Greed & Corruption'