We Haven't Left Yet
Sung to the tune
"It's The Talk Of The Town"

Can't go anyplace
Now I'm losing face.
People yell and swear,
"Why are you still there?"
Who'd have guessed why we've not left yet ?
Chalabi needs us around.

He's agreed to meet
Condi tout de suite.
He and Rummy speak
By cellphone once a week.
And though we've messed up we've not left yet.
Chalabi needs us around.

We've mended our relations
And fostered indications
We're planning an indeterminate stay.
But when his pumping stations
Can guarantee our rations
Of oil, why go away?

Americans take heart.
Here's the clever part.
With him on our side
Chavez is nullified.
At his request we haven't left yet.
Chalabi needs us around.

Music by Jerry Livingston
Original Lyric by Marty Symes & A.J. Neiburg
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Policies - Quitting Iraq'