We'll Have Another Whiskey Sour
To be sung to the Irving Berlin tune
"Let's Have Another Cup Of Coffee"

Why worry what voters say?
Those issues are so mundane.
We still grin though Hamas holds sway
Knowing that we'll feel no pain.
Critics will find the crisis will pass.
That's our philosophy.
In Britain they'll indulge in a cuppa,
But that never has done much for me.

My White House basement has a bar
Where they serve Dick Cheney and me,
Where we'll have another whiskey sour
And toast Israeli bonhomie.

Though troubles double for others,
And may require an alibi,
We'll have another whiskey sour
While Scottie sells our latest lie.

Some favor sarsparilla.
Others like a cold root beer.
But we find a strong pain killer
A more satisfactory idea.

We've always seen a silver lining
Where others see a cloudy sky,
So we'll have another whiskey sour
And contemplate why navel lint stays dry.

Music & Original Lyrics by Irving Berlin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie, Drinking Again'
To 'Bushie's Co-conspirator - Hamas'