What An Issue Our Votes Raised
Being sung by American voters to the tune
"What A Diff'rence A Day Makes"
(…Twenty-four little hours brought the sun and the flowers)

What an issue our votes raised.
We discovered who cowers
When support for him sours
Near the end of his reign.

Yesterday was a blue day,
A who gets rid of who day,
A who else is overdue day
In the Bush checkout line.

What a diff'rence a day makes
When you're changing your story.
Had you changed it before, he
Might have made your day red,

But thank heaven you waited
Till we voters upgraded
Congressmen implicated.
Now our issue is you.

Music by Maria Grever
Original Lyric by Stanley Adams
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Congress'
To 'Bushie's Rummy'