What He's Done And Won't Do *
Sung to the tune "It Had To Be You"

Why doesn't Bush do
What he's supposed to?
He'd be renowned
For having found
That terrorist who,
Is free to bomb me.
And free to bomb you.

Instead the cad,
Went stark raving mad
To protect CO2
For corporate fiends
And fight the world's greens,
Who don't dare cross
Him as the boss.

Meanwhile poor you,
Like ev'ryone else
They're free to kill,
Suffer his faults
And wish him ill,

For he's made Iraq
Their base of attack,
A place to convene,
And perfect their routine.

Could that have made you
Vulnerable, too?
What he's done and won't do?

* The New York Times - 7/8/05
"Subway and Bomb Blasts in London…"

Music by Isham Jones
Original Lyric by Gus Kahn
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Policies - Environment'
To 'Policies - Greed'
To 'Policies - Security'
To 'Terrorists'