What Was It?
Sung to the Harold Arlen tune
"It's Only A Paper Moon"

Was it only a partial clue?
Did he name her specific'ly,
Or only say she was Wilson's wife?
So who'd guess 'Valerie'?

Did he mention that she's a spy,
Or only with the CIA?
Google wouldn't have told the guy.
You can't find out that way.

Without some help
He'd have known as much as you and I.
But with some help
He'd have known Joe was married to a covert spy.

It's a crazy bureaucracy.
How vindictive can Karl Rove be?
How can Judy be thrown in jail
Leaving him and Novak free?

Music by Harold Arlen
Original Lyric by Yip Harburg & Billy Rose
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Rove'