When Bush Bites Off North Korea *
Sung to the tune "Do, Do, Do"

We would do,do, do
   what we've done, done, done before, Bushies,
But we don't, don't, don't
   dare a North Korean war, Bushies.

We'll try again to alibi again
   that we haven't got a clue
How to render Kim limb from limb,
   a Bushie dream come true.

He'd fit right in at Guantanamo,
And I'd fly in
   to watch Alberto run the show
As we do, do, do
   to Kim what we say we've shunned before.

* NY Times - 2/9/05
Nicholas D. Kristof - "Bush Bites His Tongue"

Music by George Gershwin
Original Lyric by Ira Gershwin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Adversaries'
To 'Bushie Tortures'