When It's Time To Go
Sung to the Irving Berlin tune
"Say It Isn't So"

Tell us that you'll know
When it's time to go.
Ev'ryone is saying that Dick Cheney
Isn't in the know,
Couldn't need to know,
Prob'ly shouldn't know.

Rumors say perhaps his fibrillator's faluty
And he doesn't know.
That he has no clue
He has missed Act Two
And no way should he continue saying
What he never knew.

Let us hear you say
He'll just fade away,
That he's begun to go.
And that he really
Didn't need to know.

Music & Original Lyric by Irving Berlin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Co-conspirators - Cheney'
To 'Himself - Loser'
To 'Policies - Quitting Iraq'