When My First War
Sung to the Gilbert & Sullivan tune
"When First My Old, Old Love I Knew"
from "Trial by Jury"

When my first war, my very first war
   began, I swelled with joy.
I felt a power unlike before,
   I'd become a warrior boy.
No costs seemed too extreme for me
   to brazenly employ –
I used to pray the world would see
   that I was a warrior boy.

But youthful joy can begin to pale
   requiring a brand new toy.
That war became a bore like Yale
   to a daring warrior boy.
So having grown tired of that game,
   I devised another ploy –
I found a new someone to blame
   by a lying warrior boy.

Music by Arthur Sullivan
Original Lyric by W. S. Gilbert
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bush - Warrior Wimp'