Where Is The Power?
To be sung with Alfred Drake to Cole Porter's
"Where Is The Life That Late I Led?"
(…Where is it now? Totally dead.)

Where is the power Yoo thought they had?
How great to make Vice hopping mad.
Will they receive payment in kind
When they hunt from Cheney's duck blind?
Legality is fine for some,
But when you are ghouls,
Why play by the rules
When the fools in the Congress are dumb?
Not only dumb but easily had,
Loving the power we know is bad.

Where was Scalia, their right-wing dee-ah,
Blowing hot air or taking a little pee-ah?
And where was Clarence? Swearing forbearance,
Or viewing porn from night to morn
   while living with his parents?
Why was Alito incognito,
Appearing in drag waving the flag
   while eating a free burrito?
And Chief Roberto in his hair shirt-o
While Stevens blew more new holes through
   his earlier controverto?

Where is the power Yoo thought they had?
If only they'd stayed home instead.
As with the bombs they couldn't find
They just got stuck in the behind,
And will not admit it hurts.
But first class brass
Pains in the ass,
Usually appear in spurts –
Then their devious schemes go bad
And they lose any power they had.

Music & Original Lyric by Cole Porter
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie, Betrayed'
To 'Bushie's Courts'