Who? What? Why? *
Sung to the tune
"It All Depends On You"

Who is the victim? Who's being had?
Who is the culprit? Who's being bad?
What's your point of view?

What makes the culprit holier than thou?
Why's his opinion a sacred cow?
How I wish I knew.

What makes him certain that out of the crowd
He has been chosen and not disavowed?
Why's anyone buying his point of view?

No one is perfect; surely not him,
A sad imitation of Korea's Kim,
With a self-righteous view, who's
Blessed with a very loose screw.

* The New York Times - 2/26/05
Editorial - "Ideology and AIDS"

Music & Original Lyric by
DeSylva, Brown & Henderson
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Himself - Holier Than Thou'
To 'I Got Plenty'