Who's for sale?
Looking for news talk for sale.
We have news that's pre-approved.
News that we don't want disproved.
Who's for sale?

Who'll apply?
Which news hacks will give our news a try?
We need Armstrong Williams clones,
More Robert Novak dictaphones
We can buy.

Let those critics throw brickbats.
They don't understand.
So our new news hire chitchats
In the way we've planned.

Ev'ry hoax must be explained
Without our news hire sounding pained
At stories we pay to get told
If you're willing to be sold.

Who'll consent
To not say who they now represent?
Who's prepared to sell his soul
For another Bush bankroll?
Who's for rent?

Music & Original Lyric by Cole Porter
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Another Child Left Behind'
To 'No Mullah Left Behind'
To 'Bushie's Greed & Corruption'
To 'Bushie's Media Flacks'