Why Don't You Love Me?
Sung to the tune "You Made Me Love You"

Why don't you love me?
I'd really like to end it,
If I knew how to end it.
You've made me want to
Waste your prime time to rue it
And to deny I blew it.

We'll leave Baghdadis sometime –
Won't they be glad –
In six, ten, twelve years.
Old Rummy counts so bad.

Dick Cheney lies for –
You'd laugh if he would tell you,
He doesn't dare to tell you –
That what he's said ain't true,
Doggie-poo! What to do? Lie to you!

Give me, give me what I cry for:
Daddy's oil that Dick and I have let you die for.
You know how much we love you.

Music by James V. Monaco
Original Lyric by Joseph McCarthy
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Policies - Quitting Iraq'