Why Was My Mike Left On?
To be sung to the tune
"Sam, You Made the Pants Too Long"
(You made the coat and vest fit the best.)

That dinner roll was fine, not the wine,
The usual boring talkathon,
But darn, why was my mike left on?

Remarked about Iraq, wise guy crack
That couldn't wait till I was gone,
But gosh, why was my mike left on?

Why should I hope that no one remembers
What I called the Jews?
This is gonna be one of those Novembers
Where there isn't any way we'll lose.

For even Kofi knows they're all schmos,
Another weird phenomenon,
But spit, why was my mike left on?

Music by Victor Young
Original Lyric by Fred Whitehouse & Milton Berle
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie, Betrayed'