Why Worry 'Bout Me?
Sung to the tune
"Don't Worry 'Bout Me"

Why worry 'bout me?
Your National Guard
Is now overseas –
They're fighting my wars.

Though they say my Alamo
Is over, you know
I still must depend
On them every day
Till I find a way
To make the thing end.

So fend for yourself
Is my new rule.
Hurricanes and storm surge
May wipe out quite a few,
But I am no fool.

I know it's damn hard
When your National Guard
Isn't where it should be.
But at least I'm not wet –
Why worry 'bout me?

Music by Rube Bloom
Original Lyric by Ted Koehler
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bush - The Loser'
To 'Domestic Disasters'