Why Would I Leave?
To be sung with Helen Morgan to the Jerome Kern tune
"Why Was I Born?"
(…Why am I living?)

Why would I leave?
I've built these bases.
Spent zillions on them.
They're my show places.
Kellogg Brown & Root will add casinos,
Import Latinos,
End Fox turmoil.

Why would I lie?
They'll need our Air Force –
Why alibi?
Bomb Eye-ran, then outsource –
What, me a fool?
Don't be disloyal.
My plan's to swap
More nukes for oil.

Music by Jerome Kern
Original Lyric by Oscar Hammerstein II
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Policy for Quitting Iraq'
To 'Why Go To War? I'