Why Would We Believe You?
To be sung with Joni James to the tune
"Why Don't You Believe Me?"

Why would we believe you
   when you've always lied?
Like where are the weapons
   that you prophesied?

Your mission accomplished
   got thousands more killed.
Why would we believe you?
   You're not what was billed.

Here is a country you've battered.
Your guys are still on the take.
Here is a trust you have shattered.
Georgie boy, give us a break.

You've said you won't torture?
   Then tell Cheney you're through
Why would we believe you?
   We've seen Abu Ghraib, too.

Here is a country you've battered.
Your guys are still on the take.
Here is a trust you have shattered.
Georgie boy, give us a break.

Whatever you tell us,
   you don't follow through.
Why would we believe you?
   You're obviously you.

Music & Original Lyric
by Lew Douglas, King Laney & Roy Rodde
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie, The Lying Prevaricator'