Yoo, Who
Being sung to Bushie by an Al Qaeda sleeper to the tune
"Boo Hoo"
(Boo-hoo, you've got me crying for you.)

Yoo, who
Would give more power to you,
Must know my e-mails show that I
Buy ev'rything you try to do.

Clue Yoo
To tell your mama I do,
And that these wars you've staged
Are making all our dreams come true.

You're bolder than John Birch –
A pope, who'd bomb an evil church –

Yet Yoo,
Who's ballyhooing for you,
Wants you to have the freedom to
Put down the few eschewing Yoo.

Music by Carmen Lombardo & John Jacob Loeb
Original Lyric by Edward Leyman
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Co-conspirator, John Yoo'