You Can't Judge A Judge With A Gun
Sung to the Irving Berlin tune
"You Can't Get A Man With A Gun"

They've started to figger
What it takes to pull the trigger
To appoint a right-wing one,
But they just might get a heller
Who was Bush's kind of feller,
For you can't judge a judge with a gun.

They's a bunch hot as a pistol,
But they ain't no Billy Crystal
When it comes to poking fun,
And their abortion buster
Could end up just like Custer
If they try to judge a judge with a gun.

With a gun? Just ain't done –
It's more fun to get a judge with a pun –

Still they prattle as they battle
Thinking that they're gonna rattle
The guy who's s'posed to pick the one,
But may need more than a blurter
Who is blurtin' "bloody murder."
For you can't buy a judge
Who will budge or will fudge,
And you can't nudge a judge with a gun.

Music & Original Lyric by Irving Berlin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Policies - Courts'