Jeb Bush Calls On Congress *
To be sung with Fred Astaire to the Irving Berlin tune
"Cheek to Cheek"
(Heaven, I'm in heaven, and my heart beats so that I can hardly speak)

House Calls – Congress House Calls,
Responding to the ads on my TV –
When I called to see if they were right for me,
Frist said to send him me on DVD.

Cialis – 'Twas Cialis,
That I asked if Frist would think was right for me,
But the FCC said, "No way on TV –"
That I'd have to send Bill Frist my DVD.

But then Doctor Frist relented,
And he said, "I'll send DeLay.
He's the one who handles House Calls,
Plus he likes to get away."

Camcorder – Tom's camcorder,
I am sure will intrude on my privacy.
So when I face Frist in '09,
I'm afraid that he'll malign
Any obvious Bush mediocrity.

* The Nation - 4/18/05
Calvin Trillin - "Senator Bill Frist,
A Thoracic Surgeon"

Music & Original Lyric by Irving Berlin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Scheduling'
To 'Co-conspirators - DeLay'
To 'Co-conspirators - Frist'
To 'Policies - Health Care'