Bushie heard Afghanistan's balance of trade
   consistently is better than ours,
So he has appointed Mike Johanns
   to see where he can grow those flowers.

Says he's now convinced poppies aren't that bad,
   so sad he's been a nickel and dime
Dummy whose ventriloquist, most folks thought,
   would have done well as a mime.

If his Congress still won't go for poppies here,
   Bushie has the answer of course –
Cheney must persuade the former IBM
   to disclose their plans to outsource.

An even better choice might be a crook like Merck
   now that Viox sales are a crime.
With no need to publish side effects,
   executives can steal bigtime.

Music by Jay Gorney
Original Lyric by Yip Harburg
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bush In Afghanistan'
To 'Merck Pays Off For Some'
To 'Bushie's Drug Companies'