Wolfowitz and Feith plan more deceits.
Rummy gives his senile OK.
Honesty has never been on their rap sheets
Truth is not the Pentagon's way.

They tried this before but got shot down,
Falsifying news to the world;
But got into the habit and kept it up,
Knitting when they should have purled.

Trouble is they, too, believed their lies.
Couldn't tell the truth from what's not.
Anyone but Bush would recognize
The mess that Rummy's liars wrought.

Now as if that wasn't bad enough,
Deceit machines are picking up speed.
Whoever thought they'd shut them down misspoke.
More deceit has been decreed.

Music by Jay Gorney
Original Lyric by Yip Harburg
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Pentagon Intelligence'
To 'Serving Rummy'