The Neocon Brunch
(Sung to the tune "The Ladies Who Lunch")

Here's to each neocon brunch.
Ev'rybody groan.
Hatching war plans based on
   some idiot's hunch we hoped they'd disown.

Eliciting spies,
Embellishing claims fitting their aims,
Knowing they're lies.

Here's to the victims they choose,
Peasants under glass,
Thinking they know who's most likely to lose
   and please the top brass.

Loving their wars,
But how will they raise
   a hundred billion dollars?
A Cheney phrase, more Kenny Lays,
   they'll find the public hollers.

Here's to the brunch that begets
   more terror and strife,
Tasty baguettes, nimble nymphets,
Chubby coquettes, rigid mind-sets,
The neocon life.

Who'd drink to all that?

Music by Stephen Sondheim
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Neocon Clowns'