Satirizing political & economic
  policies, conspiratorial lies
  and miscalculations with
  Obama's attempted remedies.

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     & Song Parodies

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• In The News
   • NRA Newtown Killings
        & Wayne's Militias

   • Obama's Republican

   • Wall Street's Timid Timmy
   • Grover Norquist's Pledge
     • Grover's Pledglings
   • Monsanto Plays God
   • Bank of America's Lies
   • Lazy Scalia's SCOTUS
   • Ryan's: Medicare Con
   • Private Health Insurers
     • DENIED Coverage
  • Unsustainable Israel
    • Israeli Squatters
    • Israeli Pirates
• About The Koch Boys
   • Iran's Koch Brothers
   • Koch Political Pawns
   • Kochs Pollute
   • Kochs' SCOTUS
• 2012 G.O.P. Circus
   • 'Scissorhands' Romney
       • Mitt's Money Machines
   • Rick-the-Pope
   • Gingrich's Sideshow
   • Executed by Perry
     • Messing With Texas
   • 'Next Question' Cain
   • Homophobic Bachmann
   • Sparkle Pawlenty
   • G.O.P Tampa Tantrum
   • G.O.P Misogyny
    • Ryan: Ends Medicare
      • Private Health Insurers
        • DENIED Coverage
    • Wall Street's Eric Cantor
    • Boehner Boondoggles
    • Just-Say-No-McConnell
  • ALEC's Red State Nutjobs
    ALEC:  Lobbying and
       Ghostwriting State Laws
         for Corporate America

     • ALEC: Critiques & Info
     • Arizona's Mayhem
     • Scott Walker's Nutjobs
   • America's Natural Gas
      • Flammable Fracking
   • Nuclear Malfeasance
      • Blame The NRC
      • NEI's NRC
  • Libya's Qaddafi
   • Obama's Afghanistan
      • Nostrobama
   • Bush League Bankers
   • Big Bo Peep Money
      • Kochs Pollute
   • Oil Subsidies
   • Blackwater Mercenaries
   • Libya's Qaddafi
• Global Warming
   • Dirty Coal
   • America's Natural Gas
      • Flammable Fracking
   • Oklahoman Oddities
   • Inhofe's Climate Changes
   • Creepy Orrin Hatch
   • Oil Industry Mafia
      • Oil Subsidies
      • BP Incompetence
      • BP Blackmailers
   • Kochs Pollute
   • Salazar's MMS (BOEMRE)
  • Corporate Tax Cheats
  • Radioactive Floods
  • Inhofe's Climate Changes
  • Nuclear Malfeasance
 • Military-industrial complex
    • Four-Star Lobbyists
    • Wayne's NRA Lobbyists
 • Medical-industrial complex
    • Devious Doctors
• Nuclear Malfeasance
   • Blame The NRC
   • Lobbyist NEI
   • Tax Free G.E.
   • Tokyo Electric Power
   • Shaw Nuclear
   • Toshiba-Westinghouse
• Private Health Insurers
   • DENIED Coverage
• Nutjobs
   • Inhofe's World Warming
   • Ryan: Ends Medicare
   • Rant Paul Rants
   • Grover's Pledglings
   • Scalia's Screwups
   • ALEC's Red State Nutjobs
   • Just Plain Nutjobs
   • The Dope on Donny
   • Scott Walker's Nutjobs
• The GOP's Koch Boys
   • Koch Conspiracies
   • Koch Political Pawns
   • Kochs Pollute
   • Kochs' SCOTUS
   • Big Bo Peep Money
• Unsustainable Israel
   • Israeli Squatters
   • Israeli Pirates
• Libya's Qaddafi
   • NATO's Fogh
• Mercenaries
   • Scott Walker
   • Blackwater
   • Wackenhut
   • C.I.A.
• Military-industrial complex
   • Eisenhower Warnings
• Obama
   • The Dawdler
   • Turncoat?
• Obama's Afghanistan
   • Nostrobama
   • Corruption by Karzai
   • Four-Star Lobbyists
   • McChrystal's Mendacity
   • NATO's Fogh
• Crooked Contractors
   • Louis Berger Fraud
• The Political SCOTUS
   • Ginni Thomas's Lobby
   • Scalia's Lobby/Court
• Egypt's Mubarak
   • Mubarak's Demise
   • Mubarak's Billions
   • Mubarak's Private Jets
• Arizona's Mayhem
   • Wayne LaPierre's N.R.A.
   • Batty Bachmann
• Recessions & Deficits
   • Rating Agencies
• Healthcare Redux
   • Archer Daniels Midland
   • Baucus Boondoggles
   • Blue Dog Democrats
   • Devious Doctors
   • Avaricious Drugmakers
   • Harry Reid & Associates
   • Lieberman
   • Private Health Insurers
• Financial Reform Fumbles
   • Clearinghouses
      • ICE Trust Derivatives
      • Other Derivatives
   • AIG's Debacles
      • Benmosche
   • Bush League Bankers
   • BofA
   • Citi-Oops
   • Financial Oligarchs
   • Goldman Sachs
      • Blankfein
   • Life Settlements
   • Naked Short Selling
   • High Frequency Trading
   • Rating Agencies
   • Wall Street's Geithner
• Adversaries
   • Whose Duck Obama
   • Chinese Communists
   • Blue Dog Democrats
   • New Democrat Coalition
   • al-Qaeda Terrorists
   • Murdoch's Monopolies
   • Wayne LaPierre's

   • Scalia's Court
• Lobbyists and
      Money Launderers

   • Chamber of Commerce
   • No Labels
   • Ginni's SCOTUS Lobby
   • Secretive Koch Donors
   • Other Lobbyist Pimps
• Masters of No
   • Mitch Just-Say-No
   • 'Hell, No' John Boehner
• Albatrosses
   • 'Science' Advisors
   • Energy 'Czar' Browner
   • Chu's buck stops here
   • NOAA's Lubchenco
   • EPA's Jackson
   • FDA's Hamburg
   • L Summers, 'Economist'
   • Milquetoast Advisors
   • MMS's Ken Salazar
   • Wall Street's Timid Tim
•Obama's Religious Wars
   • Unsustainable Israel
   • Israeli Pirates
   • Israeli Squatters
   • Popes & Pedophiles
• Obama's Gulf War
   • BP Incompetence
      • BlackRock
   • EPA's Jackson
   • MMS's Salazar
   • Oil Industry Mafia
   • Tax Breaks & Susidies
• Economic Meltdown
   • Detroit
   • L Summers, 'Economist'
   • Stimuli
   • Wall Street's Timid Tim
• Corporate Greed
   • Baucus Boondoggles
   • Bush League Bankers
   • Avaricious Drugmakers
   • Oil Industry Mafia
      • BP Incompetence
      • Salazar's MMS
   • Private Health Insurers
• Iran
• Unsustainable Israel
   • Israeli Pirates
   • Israeli Squatters
• Media
   • CNBC's Credibility

   • Facebook's "Friends"
   • Other Media Flacks
• Mercenaries
   • Blackwater
   • C.I.A.
   • Wackenhut
• Politicians for Sale
   • Blue Dog Democrats
   • Harry Reid & Assoc.
   • Lieberman
   • Palin's Ploys
   • Republican Puppets
   • The Lobbyist Congress
   • The Dope on Donny

   • Rhetoric
   • Torture & Terrorism
      • C.I.A. et al.

• Bushie's Legacy of Lies
   • Crazy Cheney
   • Bushie's Courts
   • Dobbs, The Bigot
   • General Motors
   • Media Flacks
   • Tributes to Bushie

• Boondoggle Verses Index
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       • Frank Loesser
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The Withington Bio
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   Bob Carlson
