Dirty Coal in Rhymed Verse
    “Vitter's Lady Troubles”5/19/13
    “Boycotting Penalties”5/15/13
    “Mitch McConnell - Philanthropist”5/16/13
    “Goodbye, His Old Kentucky Home”1/25/13
    “Dirty Coal's Term Limits”1/22/13
    “NYC Becomes Another New Orleans”11/18/12
    “Has Bill Maher Smelled It Coming?”5/26/11
    “No Lights Out For DeMint?”4/4/11
    “The Symbolism of Marsha Blackburn”1/21/11
    “Losing For Mitch”8/19/10
    “Penguins On Death Row”12/28/09
    “The Chamber to Commercialize”9/29/09
    “Cheney, Palin, Cadavers, and Coal”5/20/09
    “Leaking Uncle Ken's Internal Memo”2/23/09
    “A Note To Gregg”2/15/09
    “Judging Dirty Coal”2/15/09
    “Mountain Top Rapists”1/18/09
    “Big Coal's Senate Bankers”1/17/09
    “Citi Goes From Bad To Worse”1/14/09
    “Soot's Axis of Evil”1/10/09
    “Bushie's Clean Coal Ash”12/29/08