More Embattled EPA in Rhymed Verse
“Lazy, Indolent and Useless Like Cantor”11/19/13
“Obama's Picks? The Pits!”11/18/13
“Obama's Favorites”9/17/13
“Forecast: Dry”8/19/13
“Hermaphrodite Frogs And Ken Cuccinelli”8/18/13
“The State Department States What?”3/17/13
“How Big Will The Oil Spills Be?”3/16/13
“Plans For Planet Earth”3/15/13
“Sound Good?”3/14/13
“Fire From A Faucet”5/10/11
“Pennsylvania Switches to Bottled Water”3/14/11
“EPA Red Alerts”3/2/11
“Dishwashing Detergents”8/16/10
“Obama's Lubchenco”8/11/10
“ED In The Gulf?”8/9/10
“Losing Advisors And Adversaries”8/7/10
“Danger: Bamboozling Advisors Ahead”8/5/10
“The Vineyard's Jane Lubchenco”8/4/10
“BP's Toxic Legacy”8/3/10
“Semper Paratus, Admiral Allen”8/1/10
“Double, Double Oil And Trouble”7/31/10
“More Toxic Drilling Mud?”7/31/10
“Our Lax Lisa Jackson”7/30/10
“Tony Hayward Redux”7/30/10
“Mississippi Jellyfish”7/25/10
“Chickening Out”7/22/10
“EPA Dispersants”7/8/10
“Does Cheney's EPA Live On?”6/4/10
“Who's In Control?”5/23/10
“Toxic To Children”5/19/10
“Dispensing Its Dispersants”5/18/10
“Why The Coverup?”5/16/10